Final Evaluation
I don’t know about you but
I had a good semester (and I didn’t even get to go sailing!). Being in
a classroom setting working on a project like a Chautauqua was simply inspiring. It
amazes me to think about all of the time I spent with Ian, Katarina, and Larry and all that we accomplished. And on top of that I was able to learn through the help of my peers and in environments that satisfied
my comfort levels as well as my belly. The different format of the class made
things very interesting and engaging for me. I learned a lot and all of what
I learned is deeply a part of my future.
I also liked the idea of our self made
websites, even though I struggled with staying up with mine.
I think you did a great job Francis, even
though our schedule was a little nuts in the beginning of the semester. Thanks
to you and Bradshaw for creating such a wonderful learning experience.
I’d have to give myself some
sort of B grade. I put mucho effort into my students at Apache this semester,
but I didn’t match that effort with this whole web page business.